This is my first piece in which I have used my new clarinet, which was given to me by a very nice friend. I spent £140 doing it up and now apparently its worth 6-700. And its 70 years old! What a gift! So this peice is in tribute of its giver, Clare Shepherd. She is a brilliant artist as it happens, so please visit her website and have a look at: listen to the new piece here: Christmas!

copyright William Yates 09
You're an amazing guy William ! Kudos 2 u! It's an honor 2 follow u. i am interested in music & literature & evrything inspiring like nature & people like u. i wis 2 share my 1st Blog entry too entitled: I Asked God... I am a first timer and hope to learn more from others and follow them... Good day always &wis u success in ur endeavors.